
Eros, the ever-playful son of Aphrodite, wasn’t just the god of love; he was a mischievous matchmaker, wielding a golden bow that could ignite passion in gods and mortals alike.

Statue of Eros from Pompeii. Naples National Archaeology Museum. (c) Miguel Hermoso Cuesta

Residence: Mount Olympus
Symbols: Bow, Arrows, Lyre, Candles, Hearts, Wings and Kisses
Parents: Ares and Aphrodite
Siblings: HarmoniaPhobusDeimus, Adrestia and Anterus
Consort: Psyche
Children: Hedone
Roman equivalent: Cupid

Though some myths depict him as a primordial god, Eros is more commonly known as the offspring of the captivating Aphrodite and the fierce Ares. Alongside his winged siblings, the Erotes, he embodied the multifaceted nature of love.

Eros and Psyche

The myth of Eros and Psyche is a captivating tale of love, trust, and overcoming adversity. It all began with jealousy. The stunning beauty of Psyche, a mortal princess, captivated the hearts of men, leaving the altars of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, neglected. Enraged, Aphrodite commanded Eros, her mischievous son, to strike Psyche with an arrow that would make her fall for the most hideous creature imaginable.

Cupid and Psyche by Antonio Canova. Hermitage Museum.

However, fate had other plans. As Eros approached the sleeping Psyche, her beauty captivated him. He pricked himself with his own love arrow, falling deeply for the princess. Instead of condemning her, Eros whisked Psyche away to a hidden palace, where they lived in blissful union, but with one crucial condition: Psyche could never look upon his face.

This fragile paradise crumbled under the whispers of doubt planted by Psyche’s envious sisters. Consumed by curiosity, Psyche broke the sacred rule, lighting a lamp to see her unseen lover. To her horror, she discovered Eros, not a monster, but a breathtakingly beautiful god. Startled awake by the light, Eros felt betrayed and vanished.

Devastated, Psyche embarked on a relentless quest to win him back. She faced a series of seemingly impossible tasks set by the vengeful Aphrodite, tasks that tested her courage, perseverance, and unwavering love. With the aid of helpful nymphs and divine interventions, Psyche emerged triumphant, completing each challenge.

Aphrodite, finally softened by Psyche’s unwavering devotion, relented. Zeus, the king of gods, granted Psyche immortality, allowing her to dwell forever with Eros. Their union culminated in the birth of Hedone, the embodiment of pleasure and bliss, forever solidifying their love story as a testament to the power of perseverance and trust.


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