
Eurynome was the Titan goddess of water-meadows and pasturelands. Her domain nurtured life – lush meadows for grazing and vibrant flowers. She was both the provider of sustenance and the cultivator of grace, a connection echoed in her daughters, the Charites, goddesses of beauty and charm.

Attic red figure vase depicting Eurynome, Pothus, Hippodamia, Eros, Iaso and Asteria.

Residence: The Sea
Parents: Oceanus and Tethys
Siblings: The Oceanids and The Potamoi
Consort: Zeus
Children: The Charites

The narrative of Hephaestus’ fall wasn’t just about rejection; it hinted at a future union. While cast down by his mother, Hephaestus found solace in the care of Eurynome, whose daughter, Charis, the goddess of grace and beauty, would eventually become his wife. This subtle detail suggests a future redemption, a blossoming of love nurtured from the ashes of rejection. The kindness shown by Eurynome not only offered Hephaestus refuge but paved the way for a future filled with love and companionship.

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