The Late Roman Army

Dive into the complexities of the Late Roman Army with our curated reading list, meticulously crafted to illuminate this fascinating period of military history.

Explore scholarly works that dissect the evolving composition, tactics, and strategic challenges faced by the Roman military during the tumultuous late antiquity era. Delve into the reforms, innovations, and geopolitical dynamics that shaped the late Roman military machine, from the crisis of the third century to the twilight years of the Western Roman Empire. Gain insight into the diverse array of soldiers, commanders, and auxiliary forces that comprised the late Roman army, and unravel the intricate web of political, social, and economic factors that influenced its effectiveness and decline. Whether you’re intrigued by the military campaigns of Constantine the Great or the struggles of the Romano-Barbarian frontier, our reading list offers a comprehensive exploration of this pivotal period in ancient warfare. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a curious enthusiast, our selection of scholarship provides invaluable insights into the late Roman army’s legacy and enduring impact on the course of history.


  • Casey, J., The Legions in the Later Roman Empire, Cardiff, 1991.
  • Nicasie, M.J., Twilight of Empire. The Roman Army from the Reign of Diocletian until the Battle of Adrianople, Dutch Monographs in Ancient History and Archaeology 19, Amsterdam, 1998.
  • Southern, P. & Dixon, K.R., The Late Roman Army, London, 1996.

Further Reading

  • Bishop & Coulston 2006,
  • Coulston, J.C.N., ‘Arms and armour of the Late Roman army’, in D. Nicolle (ed.), Companion to Medieval Arms and Armour, Woodbridge, 2002, 3-24.
  • Cowan, R., Roman Legionary AD 284-337, Oxford, 2015.
  • Crump, G.A., ‘Ammianus and the Late Roman army’, Historia 22, 1973, 91-103.
  • Elton, H., Warfare in Roman Europe, AD 350-425, Oxford, 1996.
  • Gardner 2007.
  • Goodburn, R. & Bartholemew, P. (ed.), Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum, BAR Suppl. Ser. 15, Oxford, 1976.
  • James, S., ‘The fabricae: state arms factories of the Later Roman Empire’, in J.C.N. Coulston (ed.), Military Equipment and the Identity of Roman Soldiers. Proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference, BAR Int. Ser. 394, Oxford, 1988, 257-331.
  • Johnson, S. 1983:  Late Roman Fortifications, London, 1983.
  • Jones, A.H.M., The Later Roman Empire, 284-602. A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey, Oxford, 1964, ch.17.
  • Lee, A.D., War in Late Antiquity: a Social History, Oxford, 2007.
  • Lewin, A.S. and Pellegrini, P. (ed.), The Late Roman Army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest, BAR Int. Ser. 1717, Oxford, 2007.
  • Maas, M., Readings in Late Antiquity. A Sourcebook, London, 2000, ch. 2.
  • Tomlin, R.S.O., ‘The army of the late empire’, in Wacher 1987.
  • Treadgold, W., Byzantium and its Army, 284-1081, Stanford, 1995.
  • Tomlin, R.S.O., ‘The legions of the Late Empire’, in Brewer 2000, 159-81.
  • Whittaker, C.R., Frontiers of the Roman Empire. A Social and Economic Study, Baltimore, 1994.

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