
Dive into the captivating world of Roman numismatics with our meticulously curated reading list.

Numismatics, the study of coins and currency, provides a unique window into the economic, political, and cultural dynamics of the Roman Empire. Explore the evolution of Roman coinage from its inception to its zenith, tracing the development of minting techniques, iconography, and monetary systems. Delve into the symbolism and propaganda conveyed through coin designs, and unravel the stories behind the rulers, events, and ideologies immortalized on ancient coins. Investigate the role of coins in trade, taxation, and propaganda, and their significance as archaeological artifacts and historical sources. Whether you’re a seasoned numismatist or a budding enthusiast, our reading list offers a diverse array of scholarly works, catalogs, and reference materials to deepen your understanding of Roman numismatics and uncover the secrets hidden within these ancient treasures.


  • Burnett, A., Coinage in the Roman world, London, 1987.
  • Carson, R.A.G., Coins of the Roman Empire, London, 1989.
  • Casey, P.J., Understanding ancient coins: an introduction for archaeologists and historians, London, 1986.
  • Mattingly, H., The Roman imperial coinage, London, 1994.

Further Reading

  • Burnett, A.M. & Burnett, A., ‘The Iconography of Roman Coin Types in the Third Century BC’ in The Numismatic Chronicle.146, 1986, 67-75.
  • Casey, P.J. & Reece, R., Coins and the archaeologist, London, 1988.
  • Howgego, C.J., Ancient history from coins, London, 1995.
  • Howgego, C.J., Heuchert, V. & Burnett, A., Coinage and identity in the Roman Provinces, Oxford, 2005.

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