Provinces of the Roman Empire

Welcome to a digital archive illuminating the myriad stories and nuances of the Roman Empire’s provinces. Our curated selection of scholarship unveils the diverse histories, cultures, and dynamics that characterized each provincial corner of this vast empire.

Delve into the insightful works of historians, archaeologists, and researchers who have explored the unique narratives of Roman provinces, spanning from the sun-soaked landscapes of Hispania to the far reaches of Britannia.

Explore groundbreaking research shedding light on governance structures, societal intricacies, and cultural legacies that defined each province, offering new perspectives on the mosaic of identities enriching the Roman Empire.

Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a curious enthusiast, our digital repository invites you to engage with the ongoing dialogue that shapes our understanding of the provinces, providing a concise yet comprehensive glimpse into the diverse and captivating stories woven into the fabric of ancient history. Welcome to a space where the scholarship of the Roman Empire’s provinces thrives, beckoning you to explore, learn, and appreciate the multifaceted narratives of the past.

  • Ando, C., ‘The administration of the provinces’ in A companion to the Roman Empire, Malden, 2006, 177-192.
  • Howgego, C.J., Heuchert, V. & Burnett, A., Coinage and identity in the Roman Provinces, Oxford, 2005.
  • Millar, F., ‘The Emperor, The Senate and the Provinces’ in JRS 44, 1966, 156-166.
  • Millar, F., ‘”Senatorial” provinces: An institutionalized ghost’ in Rome, the Greek world, and the East: Vol.1: The Roman Republic and the Augustan revolution, London, 2002, 314-320.
  • Woolf, G., ‘Pliny’s Province’ in Rome and the Black Sea region: domination, Romanisation, resistance, Aarhus, 2006, 93-108.

Individual Provinces

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