
Dike was the goddess of justice, fair judgements and the rights established by custom and law.Dike, the goddess of justice, fair judgments, and established rights, served as the bedrock of social order, ensuring harmony and consequence for all.

Justitia, painting by Howard David Johnson.

Residence: Mount Olympus
Symbols: Scales
Parents: Zeus and Themis
Siblings: The Horae and The Morae
Roman equivalent: Justitia

While often associated with justice, Dike, alongside her sisters Eunomia (Good Order) and Eirene (Peace), belonged to a lesser-known aspect of the Horae – the goddesses of the seasons. Like them, she likely embodied a specific element of spring’s bounty, perhaps the flourishing of vegetation or the blossoming of new life.

An 1886 bas-relief figure of Dike Astraea in the Old Supreme Court Chamber at the Vermont State House. (c) GearedBull

Further blurring the lines between mythologies, one of her epithets was Astraea, linking her to the constellation Virgo.

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