
Eurybia, the Titan goddess, wasn’t a ruler of the waves themselves, but rather a weaver of the sea’s symphony. She held dominion over the unseen forces that shaped its moods and mysteries. The rise of constellations across the celestial canvas, the whisper of the wind across the waves, and the very breath of the seasons – all fell under her purview.

Residence: The Sea
Parents: Pontus and Gaia
Consort: Crius
Children: Astraeus, Pallas and Perses

Eurybia wasn’t just a powerful figure in her own right; she was the matriarch of a vast oceanic dynasty. As wife to Crius, she birthed children who embodied the very essence of the sea’s influence. The Anemoi (Winds) danced across the waves at her command, while the Astra (Stars) mapped the celestial paths guiding sailors. Her granddaughter, Hecate, wielded power echoing the mysteries of the deep. Even deities beyond the sea, like Selene (the Moon) who influenced tides, and Nike (Victory), Bia (Force), Cratus (Power), and Zelus (Rivalry) – all bore a connection to the mastery and challenges of navigating the vast expanse. Through her lineage, Eurybia’s influence permeated the lives of both gods and mortals who dared to venture upon the ocean.

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