
Phorcys was the embodiment of the ocean’s terrifying depths. This Titan personified the hidden dangers that lurked beneath the waves, the monstrous creatures that inspired awe and dread in the hearts of sailors.

Phorkys Mosaic Bardo.jpg
Mosaic of Phorcys and Ceto, Trajan Baths of Acholla. Bardo Museum. (c) Dennis Jarvis

Residence: The Sea
Parents: Pontus and Gaia
Siblings: Ceto, Nereus and Eurybia
Consort: Ceto
Children: The Gorgons, The Graeae, The Sirens, Thoosa, Scylla and Ladon

Phorcys, whose name likely means “seal,” represented the vastness of the deep, while Ceto’s name, signifying “whale” or even “sea-monster,” personified the hidden dangers that lurked within. Together, this husband-and-wife Titan duo ruled over the depths, from the majestic creatures like whales to the monstrous denizens of the abyss.

Mosaic of Phorcys and the Nereid Dynamene,4th c. AD, Antioch. Hatay Archeology Museum. (c) theoi

Phorcys and Ceto’s offspring were a terrifying testament to the dangers lurking beneath the waves. Scylla, a monstrous creature with a taste for sailors, lurked in hidden coves. Thoosa, the mother of Polyphemus, the infamous cyclops who hurled boulders at passing ships. Ladon, a hundred-headed serpent, guarded a hidden orchard. Echidna, a monstrous she-dragon, became the mother of even more fearsome creatures. The Graeae, with their single eye and tooth shared between them, embodied the ever-watchful and unpredictable nature of the sea. Finally, the Gorgons, with their petrifying gaze, were said to be responsible for the treacherous reefs and rocks that plagued sailors.

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